Our numerologist will provide best prediction and remedy for your problems. Ruuma Saaha is a renowned numerologist who has vast experience and knowledge in this field. By profession she is an academician and research fellow from reputed Indian University. She has a passion for helping others with her specialized knowledge in numerology where she motivates people to solve their problem with special life skill training and numerological consultation. She is an excellent life skill trainer who can motivate aimless mind to meaningful goal oriented life path.
Numerology gives answer to many problems in human life and destiny which we cannot reason out in our normal day-to day life. Our numerologist will provide suitable inexpensive solution to you and motivate you to improve quality of life; So that you are strong enough to overcome any problem in your life. There is nothing called miracle or magic but you can create your own miracle in your life if you are positively motivated in your life path.
We provide email consultation as well as video consultation. Our service packages are as follow:
Numeroscope making through loshu grid method and analysis as a whole + suitable career path suggestion + marriage compatibility through numerology only (for bride and groom up to 3 matches if required) + Personal name spelling correction+ Answer 5 queries via email consultation. Also suggest remedy for any specific problem.
On booking, we will confirm it along with your given data for your email id verification. Result will be delivered within 2-3 working days as manual process of calculation and prediction requires this much of time. We want to give you accurate result and perfect remedy to your entire problem.
Marriage Compatibility analysis of bride and groom (upto 3 matches if required) through loshu grid method of numerology and through vedic astrology method. Result to be delivered via email.
On booking we will confirm it along with your given data for your email id verification. Result will be delivered within 2-3 working days as manual process of calculation and prediction requires this much of time.
Video Consultation (20 mins through google meet) with numeroscope + suitable career path suggestion + marriage compatibility analysis through numerology + Personal name spelling correction + Answer all questions to client’s satisfaction. Suggest remedy and life skill motivation.
Appointment for video consultation will be given within 4-5 working days depending on availability of our numerologist online. Once we confirm the appointment via email then you can pay to book your slot.
Personal name spelling correction + company name spelling correction + Baby name number suggestion + Baby name spelling correction. Result to be delivered via email.
On booking we will confirm it along with your given data for your email id verification. Result will be delivered within 2-3 working days as manual process of calculation and prediction requires this much of time.
We also provide online learning workshop for a group of learners from any field of study for certain days with scheduled time period. Communicating language for workshop will be English, Bengali and hindi. The workshop can be both introductory as well as advanced learning of numerology separately depending on group requirements decided by our numerologist. Practice of Loshu Grid numerology reading will be taught in workshop also some remedial measures are to be taught for any missing numbers in personal chart. Personal chart making and reading in numerology will be taught too. Career decision using numerology, lucky number and colour identification and many more will be taught workshops through various segments.
Numerology is the ancient study of interpreting the meaning of symbology behind the numbers. Every number contains a characteristic that resonates at a particular vibration and frequency that we cannot see with the visual eye.Numerology is not meant to give you all the answers, but rather, it serves as a tool to highlight the important marker points of your life that you need to pay attention to and take mindful action.
To get the price quotation contact us through email for further proceedings and more details.
We provide services like motivational and life skill consultation by numerological consultation through online platform via email or through google meet. Through this webpage we educate people about numerology how it affects individual’s destiny.