In numerology there are numbers from 1 to 9 but there is no 10 or 11 or 0. Any two or more digit numbers are always simplified to single digit number. This the thumb rule of numerology. Like 10 is always taken as 1 and 11 is taken as 2 (1+1). So now you can do the calculation of your date of birth and bring it down to single digit.
The reason behind this is there are nine planets and sub-planets in our solar system which have cosmic influence in our life and destiny. Vedic text and Jyotish sastra also reveals this truth of cosmic influence of planets on our life and destiny.
It is a chart build upon the date of birth of individual following numerological approach rather than astrological approach. It gives you details of lucky number, colour, gems.
The chart also reveal Psychic number and Destiny number of individual.
Psychic number is simplified number of date of birth. Destiny number is addition of date, month and year of birth which is brought down to singular number.
For example: RAVI KUMAR's date of birth is 01-01-1980
Psychic number = 0+1 (date is 01) = 1
Destiny number = 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+0= 20 =2+0=2 (date+month+year= simplified to unitary digit)
Each of these numbers from 1 to 9 represents each planet or sub-planets.
Note: Rahu and Ketu are two nodes of moon where sun's elliptical path intersect with moon's at north and south. The north node is Rahu and south node is Ketu. In vedic astrology they are considered as shadowy planet. In some mythology planet Uranus is called Rahu and planet Neptune is called Ketu.
Now let's take a look into different types of numerological charts. There is no single perspective for predicting future.. It depends on history of the region. Both numerology and astrology has different perspective or approach to predict future.
Loshu-grid is 3x3 square with magic number in it. In Chinese mythology it is believed that an auspicious turtle emerged from river Loe around 2800 years ago which has often been cause of sorrow by flood. The turtle had magic square in its back with dots indicative of numbers of Loshu grid. Chinese numerology is most popularly used even today whose main elements of prediction is psychic number, destiny number. Each of the number represent different planets and sub-planets of celestial system. Each Plane in the chart represent specific characteristics of destiny. If your date of birth does not fill any plane completely there arises missing numbers. A good numerologist calculate this missing numbers of each plane and identify your strength and weakness. It is the most popular and accurate method of interpreting numeroscope or numerological chart. We follow this method in interpreting chart and analysing numeroscope.
Numeroo Centre is a product of NHTV Associates. We provide services like motivational and life skill consultation by numerological consultation through online platform via email or through google meet. Through this webpage we educate people about numerology how it affects individual’s destiny.